Friday, March 30, 2012

Spring Break in a Nutshell

As the week winds down I figure it's time for a break, and nothing centers my purple parallels quite like blogging. Nothing super academic going on here, no sir, so if you're looking for some kind of commentary or reading/writing response then you'd best look elsewhere.


This is the first spring break I haven't gone away, and you know, I'm kind of glad I didn't. Got a lot of bonding done; so much bonding I'm starting to feel like a Double-O agent. ZING! I learned a lot about my friends, and a lot about myself, not all good though. The thing that bothers me about having a school-based blog is that I can't really get into too much detail, at least not with personal/private details. Whatever.

Vague Bullet-Point List of Spring Break Adventures: GO!

  • I should not have a girlfriend
  • Probably could have taken that Brazilian girl home
  • Two McDonalds trips within 20 minutes is not a good thing
  • I should not be in charge of throwing surprise parties
  • $10 can only get you so far
  • Figured out my goofy walk
  • Didn't learn to drive
  • I don't know people
  • Fudge is the hardest thing to finish

Lists are fun.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

6 Word Memoir #4: I was born, but now what?

(Photo Credit: simplyla)

Writer's Note:

This is a topical one, and by topical I don't mean it can be applied to your skin, but to your life, mine at least. High School is coming to a close and I'm a little apprehensive about the future. Where will I be four years from now? Will I be working towards my dream? Will I be working at all? Terrifying thought. I really like the baby in this picture, it's so relatable to my life right now! It looks worried, upset, but it's still a baby and has lots of time to find out what it wants to do.

You go, baby.

6 Word Memoir #3: Ate too much again...and again

(Photo Credit: Mine self)

Writer's Note:
There are few things in life as enjoyable as food, very few. To me, food is the closest to thing we have to an actual valuable substance. Why are people so worried about oil when we still have plenty of steaks laying around? Silliness. When I eat, I don't cut any corners, it's full steam ahead to Yummy Tummyville, and there 'aint no stopping until we're their. The picture represents my unbridled gluttony by symbolizing my natural messiness, with, well, a mess. My art is subtle.

6 Word Memoir #2: Everything gets better when it's wetter

(Photo Credit: The Friendly Person Who Won't Fuss About Me Forgetting Their Flickr URL)

Writer's Note:
I like things wet. I like wet weather, wet drinks, but I could live without wet dogs. Water is the coolest of all the fluids, the simplest, but most refined. It's a distinguished liquid, one that everyone from the poorest of the poor to the hoityest of the toits can enjoy. Water slide? Awesome. Water guns? Awesome. An ice cold glass of water? Awesome.

My love is not unfounded.

6 Word Memoir #1: Driving is for people who drive

(Photo Credit:

Writer's Note
I wanted to write something about driving because, well, I'm kind of behind on that. I missed all the driver's ed sign ups due to sickness or what have you, and I've yet to actually get my beginners. It's an embarrassing subject, and one I'm not too proud of, but I'm not too proud to admit my faults (however few they might be), and this is certainly one of them.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Reading/Writing Reflection #3

Reading/Writing Reflection #3

Reading Reflection:

I’ve decided to put down Metro 2033. It was a tough decision, but one that had to be made. I don’t want to put out any spoilers into the blogosphere, but it takes a few turns near the end that I am not a fan of. That’s all I have to say about that.

In more recent reading news; I’ve picked up a new book, “Retribution Falls” by Chris Wooding, and it is the diametric opposite of Metro 2033 in every way. It takes place primarily on AIRSHIPS, is all about adventure and pirates and steampunk. The book has a great feel to it. I’m about 50 pages in, and the main conflict has yet to reveal itself, the book’s been focusing on character building, world setup; typical ‘Act 1’ business. The book’s really showing some promise; the characters are all unique and memorable, the description of the vertical world paints a beautiful picture, it’s just a fun piece of writing to read (unlike Metro 2033). It’s spring, I should be reading something fun, something adventurous! So I am. Tah dah!

I’m really into the characters in this book. The protagonist, and captain of the ‘Ketty Jay’, Darien Frey, is your atypical smuggler, Han Solo-ish ship captain, and while his character might not be very deep just yet, his crew totally is. An entire chapter was spent on a very quirky, very secondary player on the ship. It’s an interesting dynamic and I look forward to where it’s going.

Writing Reflection:

The writing’s been going less than great. I just can’t seem to pick a good moment to write about, and when I think of something it just doesn’t come out the way I want it to. I don’t think I’m experienced enough to write about any particular event, but I’ll come up with something. On a more positive note; my other secret writing project is coming along quite nicely. It’s not something that’s ready to be made public, or something that I can hand in, but it’s something I’ve been working hard on for a few months now. I hate to be so vague, but it really is a secret!

Other typical business: I need more personal additions, need to actually upload my 5 Word Memoirs (they’re done, but I don’t have the photo credits), and you know, writing stuff. All will be well.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Personal Addition: What the Shel?

It's been about 5-6 years since I read one of Shel Silverstein;s many poem anthologies, but seeing this pop up in my Reddit feed makes me want to re-open my copy of "The Missing Piece" and go to Nostalgiaville for a night.

Hmm, I think I might have my Wednesday evening planned. Good job, Colton!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Kony: More Than Just a Pretty Face

The Kony campaign, as a whole, is not a bad thing. It's a very unique and very modern approach to solving a kind of serious issue. It has a super well-produced video with a hip soundtrack, well designed posters/ads, a simple and informative website and a great big youth-y feel to it all. The thing about appealing to the youth is that only a very, very small percentage of the demographic will really get up and do anything, but that hasn't stopped the Kony campaigners from trying. They do a great job of stressing the importance of actual activism, but they also leave a lot of room for 'slacktavism' so people can feel like they're making a difference. I'm not sure if this was intended, but it's blossomed into what people associate Kony with.
When I think Kony I don't think "Evil Ugandan warlord that must be stopped", I think "Lazy teenager on Facebook who posts the video and forgets about it the next day". Invisible Children's seemingly flawless marketing campaign might have backfired on them a little by associating themselves with this image. I also feel that the youth really aren't equipped to handle a problem this large. No one's going to arrest Kony, they're going to kill him, straight up. Once Kony's dead and the LRA is 'disbanded', all those child soldiers who have nothing to come home to and no where to go will do what they know best: kill. It's the 'abusive father' mentality; if you grow up being abused and abuse is the reference point you go to when raising your own child, then you'll most likely be abusive too. It's not your fault, but it's what you know.
I'm glad people are talking about Kony, seriously, but there's more to it than meets the eye. The best thing the campaign has done is start the conversation, and hey, who knows, maybe a few years from now there'll be a concentrated effort to not just stop Kony, but stop the whole 'abuse cycle' that's permeated throughout the entire country. That's my hope, at least.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Politics (is) For Dummies

I really wish I didn't find U.S politics as hilarious as I do. I wish I could just shut my eyes, close my ears and pretend like it's not happening. This is hard to do when people like "Rick Santorum" and "Newt Gingrich" are actually being considered to run one of the biggest, most powerful and most in-debt countries on earth. How can people elect someone who's more focused on 'gay sex' than schools or health-care? Is it because it gets attention? Because a
majority of the U.S voting population actually share these 'beliefs'? Sigh.

I should just focus on Canadian politics.

Why Can't This Be Me?

One of these days...