Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Gif of the Minute #5 - Ehhhh

This is a gif of my second favourite David, Larry David, exhibiting an expression I know only too well; one of sheer "Ehhh, uhhh, bleghhh". It's such a relatable image, it's something everyone's felt at some point, but it's a feeling no one can really place.

Can't even describe it justice, just look at it.

Gif of the Minute #4 - As You Wish

Is there really a gif that wets panties more than this one? Doubtful. I don't think any movie has set girls up for disappointment as much as a Princess Bride has. No man can be a Dread Pirate Roberts, not even if they're Somalian. And no guy can get that kind of hair on a consistent basis, trust me, I've tried. Hard. My ex-girlfriend(s) were all into this movie, and I can tell you right now, they were all left disappointed.

Am I right, Criz?

Gif of the Minute #3 - OVARIES

As a man I can't directly relate to this gif, but I certainly feel it's reprecussions. I'm the guy behind the camera here, being blasted wby the consequences of nature's monthly gift. On that note, I don't like when women refer to their periods as a 'gift'. Sarcasm isn't going to make your flow any lighter, sweetie. I'd never say this to a woman on her period though, I value my manhood far too much.

My manhood is all I've got.

Gif of the Minute #2 - Spring

Ahh, yes, spring is in the air. Well, summer, technically, but everybody still remembers spring. Kind of. Spring's one of those seasons that goes by without anybody noticing. It's rainy, windy, and the trees aren't very pretty yet. People often confuse spring and summer, though this gif represents what people BELIEVE spring to be, not what it actually is.

People are dumb, this gif is beautiful.

Gif of the Minute #1 - Britches

I feel as though this gif, originally taken from 'Flight of the Conchords', shows in vague terms the importance of fashion in today's pop culture. Jermaine, the dancing man, is exhibiting his 'britches' with a vigor only seen in KE$HA videos and my bedroom. The pants are clearly ridiculous, and no 'bitches' would be checking them out. Satire at its finest.

Delicious, delicious satire.

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Stand-Up Begins

So I've been working on a secret writing project for a little while now, and the fruits of my labours have revealed themselves.

On Sunday I did an open mic at The Cavern; my first stand-up show. My first foray into the world of comedy. It was pretty cool.

When I was writing my material I had no clue if anything would get a laugh or not. Sure, I thought some of it was funny, but I was totally clueless. The most magical part of the night was seeing people actually laugh at the dumb things I had to say (they really were dumb)

I was nervous, I spoke too quickly, and my hair could have been better, but for my first time on stage I think I did pretty well. I met some really cool, really hilarious comics there, and hey, I'll be back next week.

Here's the video for those interested:
 (Note: May not be school appropriate. At all)

My Buried Life

So I wasn't sure what to expect with this project. At all. I'd committed to doing something cool, but I wasn't sure if I would actually get anything out of it (other than a high mark (?) ). Shooting was hectic, editing was chaotic, and I can't even begin to describe the technical issues I went through. Overall though, I have to say I'm pretty proud of the results. An extra coupe days to tune it up would have been nice, but hey, without deadlines nothing would get done.

Now, the video: