Monday, May 14, 2012

Writing Reflection #9

All has been well in writing land recently; tweeting is going better than expected, and the 'Before I Die' list is surprisingly fun. I'm really enjoying the twitter integration so far; it's given me good reason to get back into tweeting. A couple years ago, back in the podcast days, my Twitter account was HEAVY. 250+ followers, constant was a good time. I was pretty bummed when Twitter went out of style in my circle; I found it to be a totally useful and awesome thing, but it's much less awesome when you have no one to talk to. I have lots of people to talk to now, and hopefully that’ll resurrect whatever twitter energy I once had.
As for the buried life business, even that’s been enjoyable. It’s harder than I thought it’d be to come up with 50+ things I want to do before I die, way harder. I’m trying to avoid lame clichés like “Travel to Europe” and “Fall in love”, which just makes it that much harder. I’ve always dreamed about having an amazing life, but I’ve yet to set up a plan. I guess this is a good first step. Baby steps, yo.
Baby steps.

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